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Myofascial Release Treatment is a form of bodywork that uses sustained pressure to an area of muscle tension while applying traction to the fascia. This technique results in the softening and lengthening or release of the fascia, aiding in the break down of scar tissue or adhesions between the skin, muscles, and bones.  The deep tissue work (or direct myofascial release) method uses many techniques to loosen the restricted areas of the muscle.  Elbows, knuckles, or other ,tools are used to slowly apply pressure and stretch the restricted fascia. 


Direct myofascial release is performed slowly and deep (in depth) to the layers of tissue to make changes in the myofascial structures by elongating the fascia, or mobilizing adhesive tissues.  The indirect method is a gentler type of myofascial release.  It involves more emphasis on stretching of the myofascial tissue with a gentler application of pressure.  This allows the fascia to “unwind” itself, resulting in an increase of heat and blood flow to the restricted area.  The increase of heat and blood flow, allow the body to accelerate its ability to self correction, thus reducing pain and restoring the optimum performance of the body.

*would like to thank Geoff May for allowing me to post image.

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