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Titlesist Performance Institute (TPI)
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The game of golf has evolved, as has the emphasis and involvement of proper biomechanics, mobility, and strength within the sport. This new era of golf is backed by the innovative and evidence-based research of Titlesist Performance Institute (TPI). The concepts of TPI apply to all levels of competition, from the novice weekend player to competitive tournament attendees.  Introducing biomechanics of the golf swing as well as applying concepts of fitness and wellness provide longevity and enhanced competitive play. 


What is Titleist Performance Institute (TPI)?

TPI is the world’s leading educational organization dedicated to the study of how the human body and the golf swing connect. The ‘body-swing connection’ screening process allows TPI professionals the ability to identify restrictions in the way your body moves within one’s golf swing. Identifying these restrictions supply TPI professionals’ information to provide their athletes with individualized golf specific wellness programs. Improving body-swing mechanics, mobility, performance, and injury prevention within one’s golf game.

As a TPI Certified Professional:

I focus on both the medical and fitness professional TPI tracks. As a medical professional, I focus on golf-specific rehabilitation, injury prevention techniques and wellness concepts allowing players to return to the course. As a fitness professional, I focus on strength, conditioning, mobility and body-mechanics in regards to the golf swing allowing for longevity on the course.

 "Golfers want to trust their coach, instructor or practitioner. TPI Certification gives golfers that trust!" – TPI

"The game has reached a point where its participants do not need convincing that better fitness, biomechanics and health will improve their chances of playing their best. Today's golfers need to be convinced that their instructors are up to date with the information on the sport" – TPI

Please contact for more information and services.

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